Iv'e been paying extra attention this week to the behaviors and attitudes of my students. As a teacher I want the kids to enjoy school, be engaged and excited, and of course I want to see them grow in all areas. I don't do formal parent meetings and I don't record student improvements but I do keep a mental note. I know where each student is developmentally. I can tell any parent at any time what their child could improve on, what areas they have mastered, and generally how far they have come. I also know what students need a bit "extra" to their daily activities and which ones need more of my help.
But this week I decided to use the prompts at the end of our activities in my lesson book to assess each child's skill level and to determine if this is a benefit to me and worth my time to record.
For this particular activity we learned about the parts of a cow. Each student was given a sheet with cow body parts and encouraged to cut out the heart and stomaches and create a cow with the paper plate, glove, and shapes. 
The assessment question was… "did the child demonstrate an understanding that cows have more stomachs than humans? Did I hear them use names for body parts such as stomach, heart, eyes?" I also assessed how they were doing with their fine motor skills and how they were able to play with their cow puppet.
I recorded what I saw based on the developmental continuum in the back of my teacher guide. I have to say that all of my students are exactly where they need to be benchmark wise.
I'm not sure how beneficial it is to me and the class for me to take the time to assess each activity we do and record each child's growth. Like I said, I can tell you exactly where each child is developmentally any day of the week. However, I do find that assessing and recording where they are once a month, or every other month would be beneficial. While I can tell you where they are now, sometimes I forget how far they have come! It's always rewarding for everyone to know that things are improving and learning and mastering skills is happening.
Some other areas that I assessed this week was gross motor, number concepts, and self direction. One of our activities was really fun! We made fishing poles out of pipe cleaners and wet fishing in a hamper.
After our first few times of pushing each other around in the boat I realized it was a struggle for each of them. So we doubled up and had one person pull the boat and one person push.
Once the boat got to the fish, the kids had to catch the amount of fish from the number card they drew.
It was a great activity to have fun and practice counting. I noticed that everyone did exactly what they were instructed to do. They were able to add the same amount of fish as the number on the card.
I did noticed this week that as a group everyone seems a bit wiggly and silly. I'm having a harder time to keep the group focused for learning time and doing activities like writing, listening, and picking up after themselves. And I don't know what's gotten into them when it's time to pack up and go home. It's like the first day of school and no one seems to know what the heck to do. It's kind of driving me nuts! I'm sure the anticipation of valentines day has something to do with it. While I love my work, I'm looking forward to the long weekend coming up because I get to go to Mexico with Mr. Lloyd!
Once I get back, I am really looking forward to doing an assessment on me and what areas I can improve on. I'm sure there are plenty!
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