Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter and Spring Celebration

Instead of starting the month of April off with our new theme "Ocean Commotion" I wanted to take the first two school days in April (before spring break) and celebrate the beautiful spring weather and have some Easter fun. 

I've been ordering my preschool curriculum from Mother Goose Time for 5 years now! Over the years I have acquired a surplus of activities that we just didn't have time to get to. There is so much sent each month and I only teach 12 days a month so I usually have left overs. I happened to have these garden observation records from a past year and thought I'd add it to our spring celebration. I know that next month's theme is about growing gardens but I don't think the kids will mind if we get to plant something again.

Later this month I'll do a post about some great ways to use the extra supplies and activities that don't get used or that you have double of…

 I wanted to let the class plant some grass and be able to watch it grow over spring break. Their homework assignment was to observe and record. In years past when we plant things I usually have just used plastic cups but when I found these tiny pots at  Wally World I couldn't resist. (I'm a sucker for tiny things) I think they were only 35 cents each.
 FYI… we have had our little pot in the window for 2 weeks now and haven't seen any growth. I don't think this brand of grass seed grows anywhere like the bag claims. I'm going to send home new seeds with the kids and hopefully they get something to grow. oops! It's a good thing we will be doing more garden activities next month.

Normally for our class Easter Celebration I have the kids color hard boiled eggs in the traditional way. But I found these craft eggs at Target and snagged them right away. Instead of dying them, we painted them! I will definitely be doing this again next year. My older kids and my adult nieces spent an afternoon painting eggs too. They were a hit I tell ya! 

 Sometimes I will let one of my older daughters ditch a morning of school to be my teacher's helper. Isabelle loves doing this more than the other two and will ask all the time. I've told her she can have three days a year where she is allowed to miss school and help me. She picks and plans her days based on when I'm doing a big class event. I'd love to have her with me every single day! She is amazing with the little kids and they love her. I see teaching in her future!

While the paints were out, I taught the kids how to draw a bunny. I love how smart and fast they are able to learn new things. One little boy claimed he didn't know how to draw a bunny. It would be too hard! Boy was he proud of himself to find that not only could he do it, but that it looked great! 

Comming up…
April will be all about the ocean! Plus, a post on organizing your lesson plans, what to do with the extras, and a great way to celebrate Arbor Day!

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