Monday, September 14, 2015

Self Concept

This month we are talking all about ME! Not so much me, but them. We are talking about how child is an individual, with individual thoughts and feelings. I really love this topic. Cause like, I was a psych major after all and I come from a family of really really deep thinkers. Like really deep. I like to get all deep into the psyche myself but when it comes to these little guys  I  keep it age appropriate of course. 

So, we have been learning about all the different kinds of feelings we have and why we might feel that way. It's SO important to talk about this with children. They need to know that every one of their feelings is validated and ok. Feelings are there for a reason. They also need to learn that there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to handle each and every emotion. One of my biggest goals as a preschool teacher is to teach them this. I'm sure I'm not the only one that know some adults who missed appropriate behavior 101 as a child and as a result still act like a child when things don't go their way. (Donald Trump cough cough) 

As a preschool teacher I see just about every kind of emotion daily. Since we have been talking about emotions as a class when I would notice a child or the class as a whole feeling a specific emotion I would make a mental note about it, and then we discussed it in circle time. For example, a day ago two of my students bumped into each other while dancing to our MGT music. Little T fell down and Little M stood above her not sure what to do. I watched and wanted to see how they would react. Little M felt bad and said sorry. With a worried face, he walked away. Little T still on the floor, got up and stood there not moving. Then the big frown happened. You know the kind with the bottom lip popping out. Taking deep breaths and trying not to cry a single tear rolled down her cheek.  I know she wasn't hurt physically, but her feelings were hurt. I went and talked to her and told her it was ok to feel sad and to feel sad for a minute because it was just an accident and no one was being mean. She had to try really hard to not lose it. I'm sure that if she was at home it would have been a different story, but she took a minute to feel her feelings then chose to join us again with our dance. Phew! and Success! 

Since this is the month of feelings, Mother Goose Time sent sent the supplies for us to create these mirrors. What a great way to practice all the feeling faces we have been talking about.

 I made up a little game with them on the spur of the moment. "Mirror mirror in my hand… Show me the face of a Happy man, Sad man, Sleepy man ect."

 After our week of talking about feelings, they were able to voice what they were feeling so well. At one time while we were making our mirror craft, Little E said with a sly look on her face, "Teacher! I feel mad because I can't get the lid off my glue stick!" Seriously. I don't make this stuff up. Then she giggled.

 And just a plug for my favorite deep thinking author and motivational speaker Wayne Dyer. He recently passed away but has left us a legacy of inspiring books and lectures on becoming our authentic selves. He of course didn't leave children out and has an amazing collection of books that I just love sharing with my class. I hope you take some time to search these out and incorporate them into your teaching as well. We are after all, developing the whole child.

Happy teaching friends.

Miss Mandy

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