Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentines Day

Here is why Mother Goose Time is great! A valentines day party in a package all ready go just for me! In years past I spent so much time and money on class parties. With everything prepared for me, I got to use my time writing thoughtful valentines to each student and enjoying the process instead of freaking out. This was great for my soul. 

Our Valentines day went very well! The excitement was in the air and we had a hard time waiting until the end of the day to pass our valentines. We enjoyed learning about valentines day. I read them a few stories, we made these adorable valentine hats, and we played a few games. I threw in a few extra minutes of free time because they love it so much. 

One of the cute activities MGT had tucked in the party bag… 

and finally the main event… 

I have to say that while all of this was going on I got kind of emotional. It is kind of amazing to me that I get to be part of their lives and get to experience so many of their firsts! Most of them had never been given a valentine from a friend and they were so happy and sweet about everything. I loved it so much. I love them so much!

Happy LOVE Day!

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