Friday, October 9, 2015

Learning our Letters

One of my biggest claims to fame is that I am great at having fun! I like to make everything fun! Sometimes when I have to act like an adult and sit in a meeting or do something adulty, I still find myself making jokes or playing a game in my head. Sadly, I can't help it and I'm still waiting to grow up.  When it comes to teaching letters, I have a bunch of games up my sleeve to help my little friends learn them.  I get especially excited when I find a new letter game in my big yellow school box from Mother Goose time! This month there were two great ones for us to play with!

 One this particular day, our time was coming to an end. The class had been especially great that day so as a reward I asked them if they wanted to have free play time or play a new letter game. We took a vote and it was unanimous! We were all in favor for a letter game!

This was easy to explain and easy for them to understand. We got into four groups, took turns, and raced through the orchard full of letters. When a team landed on a letter they had to think of a word that started with that letter. I have pictures up under each letter so they were able to have some help if needed.

I was impressed with how they were able to cheer each other on and not get sad if their team was behind. One thing I like to add to games is my own game show sound effects. So, when they rolled "go back" I make the ol' wa wa waaaaa sound (you know, the sound when you land on a whammy). Before long they were all doing it. When a team made it to the end they were encouraged to do a victory dance. Some were shy but most were cool to do a jig with me.

We made it two rounds before it was time to go home and it was a great way to practice our letters.

I love giving my class every opportunity to learn through play. Young children must play to learn cognitive skills and actual facts. Unlike adults who learn by reading or being lectured to, children need to learn thinking skills and information by experiment and actually doing it. 

The second learning game that MGT included in our lesson plan this month was such a hit that I pulled it out after dinner for my kindergartener to play with. Spin the spinner and choose the picture that starts with that letter to put on your tree. He's pretty confident with his letters but it doesn't hurt for him to practice practice. Especially when a spinner is involved! Next time we play I plan to have him try and write the words down before he can put them on the tree. 

I guess it looked too fun for just Henry to play so Lu had to join in the fun and boss him around a bit. I don't think he minded. He kind of loves to play with his sisters even if they boss him around. 

 Happy gaming friends
xoxo- Miss Mandy

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