Monday, December 21, 2015

Snow Tracks

We had a really great storm come through and I was thrilled! I love snow and cold and everything that goes with it. I was super excited to have a perfect lesson to go along with the new fresh snow falling. Animal Tracks! This wasn't a lesson I had planned to do on this day but MGT makes lesson plans so easy that switching things up was no big deal. I grabbed my Teacher Guide and made some quick notes and the day was a success! 

Here's little peek of some of how our day... After circle time I read and had them participate in the story Snow Tracks. It was a great way to get out our wiggles and have some fun. Not to mention, a great tool to practice listening skills! 

Four our craft on this snowy day we made deer headbands. One of the best parts of the MGT curriculum is the detailed instructions that takes out the guess work. Each activity/craft comes with colorful instructions on exactly what supplies I need, what is included, and how to create the activity that is sent, and questions to prompt a discussion that ties in the daily lesson. 

 I went ahead and traced everyones hands for them but they were on their own to cut them out. But because this was a lot of cutting for their little hands, I still helped out with that part too.

We played a fun MGT game called Animal Tracks. This group of kids is so great at playing games together. They take turns and even though they get a bit competitive, there are never tears if they don't "win" or if they aren't the first ones to finish.

 For closing time I played the song on our Sights and Sounds of Winter CD called "Follow the Tracks". We listened for the different animals named in the song and moved around the room like the animal.

After we packed up up to go home, we headed outside and made some tracks in the snow. (I deleted the pictures oops!)  I loved how flawless this day went even though it wasn't planned. I can spend hours getting a lesson planned and it flops and then in the case of this day, I literally spent 20 minutes getting things together and it all turned out great. Mother Goose Time is great that way. 

Counting down to Christmas! 

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