Friday, January 8, 2016

Lesson Plans

Here is a little peek into how I go about planning my lessons and activities each month… With Mother Goose Time, each monthly theme is already decided for me long before the month comes, but discovering and planning the day to day is always exciting for me. 

I start planning for the month by going into procrastination mode. I'll do everything to avoid it. I don't know why? It's just the way it is for me. So, a few days before the new month starts, I open the big school bus box that has been staring me down for weeks and crack it open. MGT packages each lesson with everything I will need for the day in plastic.  With the great pictures showing, I know with just a glance what that day is about. I lay everything out on my table and get a good look at everything. Before I start opening the bags to see what is inside, I grab my teacher bag and pull out the lesson manual and look at each day.

 I only teach a 2 hour class three times a week and MGT sends lessons for an entire month of all day learning. Because there is so much more to do than we have time for, I have go through each daily lesson and pick and choose what I find to be the most beneficial for my class. This is so hard to do!  I feel extreme teacher guilt when an activity goes undone. But, my goal and my job is to make sure my class is ready for kindergarten. And kindergarten isn't what it was 11 years ago when I sent my first child. They expect 5 year olds to come in already knowing all the letters and number and how to write them. With this new expectation, I feel more pressure to focus on scholastics instead of exploring new ideas. We still explore and get dirty, but not as much as we used to.
I use the planning journal to make notes and plan each day. I don't add too much detail on this but use it more as a guide so I can feel organized. I also make notes on what additional supplies I need to prepare. On a side note, one of my most favorite things about MGT is kind of silly but, I LOVE having a hands on paper and book to write in, touch, and see.

After I decide what we will be doing, each daily bag gets put into the daily folders. I love doing this! By preparing everything for the month I can walk right into my class minutes before school starts, grab a folder, and have everything I need for the day ready to go. 

 After my folders are all packed and ready to go, I like to sit with my teacher guide and make some detailed notes and plan each day out. I already have the main idea for the lesson in my head, but I don't want to forget anything.
Overall, my routine for planning my lessons hasn't changed in years. I've gotten to where I can get it all done in about 2 to 3 hours. Spending that time once a month isn't a big deal considering I used to spend 5+ hours a week looking for lessons and crafts and shopping for supplies. MGT is the reason I've been able to keep my preschool running for so many years. It does take time and planning, but the choices are there and I still get to individualize it to make it mine. 

Happy planning friends! 

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